Σχολή Πεζικού

Emblem of Infantry – Emblem of Infantry Academy


The infantry emblem, which is also the emblem of the School, consists of the rifle with the saber, the lamp and the inscription “DIOKE DIOXAN AND ARETIN” (Pursue glory and virtue).

In detail:

The red color symbolizes the blood of the sacrificed men of the Infantry in the sacred struggles of the Nation.
The rifle and the sabre are the basic weapons of the infantry established by the Royal Decree of 2 March. 1833.
The burning lamp is a symbol of worship of God and a symbol of honour to the dead.


The emblem of the School, symbolizing the great blood and sacrifice of the Infantry, fits perfectly with the work and mission of the School, in which the Axes of the Infantry are taught that:

The Glory

The mission and mission of the Fuhrer is to demonstrate the mission and the mission of the Fuhrer.
It is won by the rifle and the sword, by those who have developed their moral powers to the utmost and have acquired the necessary knowledge by study and practice.
It is established by the blood of the heroic dead of PEZIKO, symbolized in the emblem by the red color.

The Virtue

It is the jewel of the brave.
It is manifested by morality, justice, honesty, kindness and respect for opponents.
It is completed by the symbolism of the unquenched flame of the lamp, that is, by faith in God and the honour due to our heroic dead.